What Dose the Blue Mean in the Argentina Flag Argentina Flag

The Spanish speaking country of Argentina is a land of diversity. Their flag consists of two light blue stripes with a white line in the middle. At the center is a golden sun of May. The flag symbolized the country's independence on May 25th, 1810 and was first raised in Rosario city. Although simple in its design, this flag holds much symbolism and value to Argentinians.

Table of Contents

  • History of the Flag of Argentina
  • What is the meaning behind the colors of the Flag of Argentina?
  • Interesting Facts about the Flag of Argentina

History of the Flag of Argentina

The current flag of Argentina was designed by Manuel Belgrano. He is the man who led the war of independence against Spain. According to legend, Belgrano got inspired at the shores of Río Paraná. He was staring at the sky before a battle. The sky blue colors symbolized the opening up of the blue sky to reveal the clouds. At the time, the royalists and patriots of the country were using red and yellow colored flags. The original flag did not have the sun disk at the center. However, on 25th Feb 1818, the sun disk was incorporated into the banner.

In 1810, the patriots in the war wore the cockade of Argentina when they defeated the Spanish. The Argentinian cockade had a circular ribbon with blue and white stripes. Before the revolutionary war, France and Spain were at war. This war led to the defeat of King Ferdinand VII of Spain by Napoleon. Napoleon, in turn, handed the Spanish throne to his brother Joseph Bonaparte. Arguably, some historians argue that the blue and white colors were adopted by Belgrano in support of the Spanish. The defeat of Spain meant that Argentina was under the authority of the government of France. This theory holds that the revolutionary war started in a bid to ensure that the country remained under the rule of Spain.

In 1806, during the British attack of Buenos Aires, the triband flag was hoisted for the first time on 12th February 1812 by Manuel Belgrano. However, some were against a united Argentina. These regions had their flag. For instance, Province of Córdoba had a tricolored red, sky blue and white flag. The province declared itself an independent state in 1815. The historian Bartolomé Mitre reported that the Argentinian flag was publicly lowered and burnt. The area supported José Artiga's federalist movement who was hailed as the protector of the province. Although most of the provinces had their flags, the regions had few contacts with outside forces. The Buenos Aires flag was the only flag at the time that represented the country in the international sphere. In 1816, the flag was officially adopted as the national flag. In 1818, the sun disk with its thirty-two alternating rays of wavy and straight lines was incorporated into the banner.

Immediately after independence, the country was engulfed in a civil war. The war was a result of the divisions between the Federalists and the utilitarians. The utilitarians felt strongly that Buenos Aires should lead the other provinces. Conversely, the federalists promoted the development of autonomous regions. It was in 1860 that the unification of the areas paved the way for the acceptance of Belgrano's flag as the national flag.

Some historians argue that the colors of the flag were inspired by the colors of the House of Bourbon. This was a royal house that ruled Spain and its colonies, including Argentina. The primary colors of the house were blue and white.

What is the meaning behind the colors of the Flag of Argentina?

The precise meaning in the flag represents the clouds, sky, and the sun. This popular belief can be traced in the Aurora flag anthem as well as the Salute to the flag anthem. The first writing of the pledge references the colors to the sky. The pledge states, "the white and sky blue flag." The colors of the Argentinian flag are two light horizontal bands with a horizontal white band in the middle. Although the flag holds a deeper meaning to the people, which is:

  • Blue stripes of celeste: blue sky
  • White: The blue skies part to reveal the white clouds

A more traditional interpretation of the flag states that blue represents freedom, as well as the majesty of the blue sky. White, on the other hand, represents the clouds, whereas the sun represents the Sun of May. This sun represents the process of independence that started on 25th May 1810. Legend states that the sun broke out when the new Argentinian government was declared. This was received as a good sign.

The sun at the center of the flag is the Inca Sun, el Sol de Mayo. This image represents the Inti, the Inca Sun deity. Other historical accounts state that the sun was incorporated to distinguish the flag from the other flags that were in use. The flag used by the patriots during the time of war had the sun disk included.

The shape of the flag is based on the ratio of 9:14 or 5:8. The official dimensions are 0.9 by 1.4 meters. Each of the stripes has a width of 30 meters. The internal diameter of the sun is ⅓ the length of the central white line. Alternatively, the external diameter is 5/6th of the white stripe located at the center.

The official IRAM rules contain the stipulations of the flag's dimensions. Before the rules, the flag existed in a variety of dimensions. Some of the variations were 2:3 in terms of length to width ratio. Alternatively, others had a 3:4 ratio.

Some laws govern how to handle the flag. First, the flag should be tied with four sets of double ribbon when taking it to a pole. The carrying pole should be made of specific material. This is a type of national hardwood that should be 2.1 meter tall. The tip of the pole should be polished with silver and should have silver crescent at the tip. Also, the law requires the sun of May to be embroidered using gold-colored thread. The flag wearer is expected to wear white gloves when carrying the flag.

Interesting Facts about the Flag of Argentina

  • Argentina's flag day falls on 20th June. This day also happens to be the day that the flag's founder, Manuel Belgrano, died.
  • The version of the flag without the sun is still recognized as a patriotic symbol. However, it is only used for informal events.
  • The sun of May is similar to an engraving found in the first coin in Argentina.
  • There are three anthems written for the flag.
  • The flag of Argentina inspired the flags of other central American states, that include, El Salvador, Uruguay, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The flag of Nicaragua, for example, has two horizontal stripes of blue with a horizontal white line in the middle. The only difference between this flag and the flag of Argentina is the insignia.
  • As of November 2010, the Argentine flag was modified to consist of slightly darker blue stripes and a redesigned sun disk.
  • The flag day of Argentina was established in 1938.

Do you know any other interesting facts about the flag of Argentina? Share your thoughts below.


Source: https://www.edarabia.com/argentina/flag/#:~:text=A%20more%20traditional%20interpretation%20of,started%20on%2025th%20May%201810.

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