Important notation: Information technology is possible to transfer save data for Animal Crossing: New Horizons betwixt two Switches at will. Scroll to the bottom of the page for more details or check out our Creature Crossing Island Transfer guide.

Automated Cloud Salve Downloads are besides now a matter! Lookout the video above or skip to the relevant section beneath for more info.

So, you've gone and got yourself a lovely new Nintendo Switch Light in addition to your regular 'old' Switch. Peradventure i'due south going to be for the kids, or you're simply tired of sharing. Perhaps y'all couldn't resist the cute hardware revision and plan to use Switch Lite as your smaller 'out-and-about' handheld and then put your feet upward with a Pro Controller and the 'flagship' model when you go far abode to your TV. Sounds improvident, simply reasonable!

Obviously, the regular Switch console is designed for exactly that blazon of - what shall we phone call information technology? - 'switching' and although possible, it'southward articulate that Nintendo doesn't actually intend for individuals to take more than one Switch console. Cloud saves and the automatic Save Data option introduced in firmware update 11.0.0 make that reality less of a hassle, and digital game sharing is possible, too, although you can only play using your account on one panel at a fourth dimension. A Nintendo Switch Online subscription makes living the 'Johnny Two-Switches' dream relatively simple, and it's likewise possible to transfer saves manually between two nearby systems (remember, saves are stored on the panel, not the cart).

In this guide we present how to play your games beyond 2 Switch consoles, including the restrictions, caveats and the potential bug to look out for. We'll update this guide as necessary, but the following represents the easiest way to play a single save file across 2 systems whether you lot own the game digitally or physically.

This guide does not refer to a full-on System Transfer which enables you to motility all your relieve data and details to a different Switch on a more permanent footing - something y'all might exercise if you were selling your quondam panel, for example.

Lite Blue

How to play a game on one Switch, and so continue from the same save file on another

As things stand, anyone with a Nintendo Business relationship can designate 1 Switch as their 'primary' console (by default the first console they connect to the Nintendo Switch eShop with) and another their 'non-primary' console. Playing your games on the not-primary Switch requires you lot to use your Nintendo Business relationship and have a constantly agile internet connexion. The game will break if it loses that connection, and also if the same software is played on the same Nintendo Business relationship on the chief console.

Still with us? If those caveats haven't put you off the idea, read on for instructions on how to choice up where you left off in a game across two Switches...

Lite Yellow

For the purposes of this guide nosotros'll assume yous already own a standard model and have just got a new Switch Light, only this would piece of work but as well between two standard Switches (or two Lites, although we can't imagine a use case where that would be desirable). It makes sense to make your new Switch Calorie-free your chief console (which therefore won't crave an internet connection to play your games), with your docked home-bound Switch becoming your not-primary.

Exist subscribed to Nintendo Switch Online

For the well-nigh convenient manner of syncing game saves across ii Switches, you lot'll need to exist subscribed to Nintendo's online service and have cloud saves enabled. Please note that not all software supports cloud saves, so check that the game you wish to play is compatible - bank check out our total list of games not compatible with Nintendo Switch cloud saves. If you don't have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription, skip ahead.

Download the game(due south) you want to play

Digital games should be purchased on your main Nintendo Account. Owning the physical cartridge means you lot'll obviously have to move it between consoles, but remember that save data remains on the console itself, Not THE CARTRIDGE, so you'll still need cloud saves activated to switch between consoles and proceed playing where you left off (without transferring the data manually, that is).

De-register your original Switch every bit your primary console

On your standard Switch, hit your contour moving-picture show in the eShop (top right) and ringlet to the lesser of the options on the correct. Here you'll be able to deactivate this Switch as your primary panel set for your new Switch Lite to take up the mantle.

Check that save data is backed upward to the deject

Highlight your chosen game(southward) on the Switch Home menu and striking the '+' push button. Select 'Save Information Deject' and check to see that the software is backed up with a tick abreast your user account. If y'all desire to be extra sure, tap on the user and you'll get boosted details with a timestamp of the data on the server and the aforementioned data for 'this panel'. Make sure it'southward the aforementioned.

Fire upwardly your new Switch (Lite) and sign into your Nintendo Account

Powering up your new console and signing in to the eShop volition make it your primary Switch, pregnant you can play all your games on it without being tied to an internet connection. Unfortunately, none of your games are really on panel still, so you'll take to redownload the lot from the eShop on the new primary console. Time for a cup of tea...

Check the cloud save has downloaded and commencement playing

One time the downloads have finished, hit the '+' push button on the game(s) as you did on the other console to check the cloud salvage data has synced. Bold everything matches, y'all're skilful to become.

From at present on, check the cloud save has uploaded/synced before changing betwixt Switches

To prevent problems, it'due south probably a good idea to double bank check that your save information has uploaded to the cloud on whichever console you're using before switching to the other, just to be super safe. Likewise, you might desire to brand doubly sure that the other console has synced before resuming the game at that place, too. Better to be safe than sorry.

Automatic Save Data Downloads - NEW!

But look! As of firmware update 11.0.0, Nintendo introduced a characteristic that automatically downloads backed up cloud Relieve Data from one of your systems to the other (assuming both are connected to the internet, of grade).

To utilize this handy feature you'll take to enable it first. Do this by heading to System Settings > Data Management > Salve Information Cloud and make sure 'Automatically Download Salvage Data' is turned on. Nintendo does state that "Salve data volition not be downloaded automatically unless salve data for that software exists on the console. The get-go time only, users must download the save data manually".

Nintendo Switch Automatic Download Save Data
Paradigm: Nintendo Life

Once it'southward up and running, however, we're very pleased to report that it appears to work very well and the save data will automatically download even if the organization's in sleep manner.

Then, to recap:

  1. Play your game on Switch A
  2. Salve (or reach an autosave location)
  3. Close the game on Switch A from the Home Menu (using the 'X' push button to ensure the software is completely closed)
  4. After well-nigh i minute or so, Switch B volition have automatically downloaded the updated Relieve Information, even if information technology'south in sleep fashion
  5. Play game on Switch B with updated Salve Data
  6. Repeat as necessary

If y'all're playing on your main Switch and information technology isn't connected to the internet (remember, it's impossible for the aforementioned business relationship to be used on your non-primary Switch without an net connexion), it's possible to create conflicts where two sets of save data are generated.

Switch Save Data conflict
Image: Nintendo Life

Fortunately, the organisation warns you when you attempt to open up the game with two sets of save data. Still, exist careful yous don't wipe progress by selecting the older data.

And that's it! Not quite as simple as 'switching' with a single panel, but entirely possible when you know how. Check out the lovely Alex's video at the top of the page for a total demonstration in video form.

How do I transfer save data for games that don't support cloud saves?

Cloud Saves

Well, for those games (or all games if y'all're not subscribed to Nintendo Switch Online) you'll have to transfer the save manually to a 'nearby' Switch. You're not copying save data hither, y'all're transferring it to a 'target' system - it'll be erased on the 'source' arrangement. This works just besides as the deject save option for moving save data between the same Nintendo Account on two systems (annotation: the same account), although it'll need to be done every time you change from one organisation to the other and it too requires an internet connectedness.

On the 'source' Switch...

  1. On the Habitation Menu of the Switch you're finishing with, select 'System Settings' and so 'Data Direction'. So tap 'Transfer Your Save Data'.
  2. Then tap 'Send Relieve Data to Another Console' and choose advisable account.
  3. Then select the specific game save information from the list that you want to transfer and cull 'Send Save Data'. Remember, the data will be erased from the current Switch.
Image: Nintendo Life

On the 'target' Switch...

  1. As you did on the 'source' system, select 'System Settings from the Home card, then 'Data Management' and finally 'Transfer Your Save Data'.
  2. Choose 'Receive Save Data' this time. You'll get the option to Overwrite Relieve Information if information technology already exists for that account, so make sure it'due south definitely the correct information! Overwritten data obviously can't be retrieved.
  3. Once the transfer is finished, striking 'OK' and you should be good to become with the same game information at present on your other Switch.
Image: Nintendo Life

So, you've registered i panel as your 'primary' and another as 'non-main' every bit detailed to a higher place. If y'all want to be able to play the same games at the aforementioned time and effectively 'share' your digital games with somebody else, the person on the not-main panel must utilize the main account (and be continued to the internet) and the person on the primary console must play using a different account (entirely possible because whatsoever account can access and play your digital library on your primary console).

If the same business relationship is used to play the same game simultaneously, the game on the non-primary console volition intermission (the same volition happen is you lose your internet connection). Assuming you're happy to juggle accounts and have the requisite Switch Online subscriptions activated, it's entirely possible to play online with each other, although it'south impossible to play multiplayer locally using the same software across 2 consoles (for that you lot would need two copies of the game).

Image: Nintendo Life

Ane thing to bear in mind is that the person on the primary Switch must remember to use a different business relationship if you want to avert deject save confusion. For instance, if y'all're in Flight Way on your primary Switch and accidentally used the chief account — while someone else is playing the same game on that account on the non-primary console — two unique sets of save data would exist produced and this might cause confusion when the main console is connected to the net over again. Deject save clashes are best avoided if you're concerned virtually progress, so bank check with business relationship holder if you go to play a game and a message flashes upwards showing a save data disharmonize or error. No-1 likes to lose progress!

This three-part example from Nintendo shows what happens on the internet-dependent non-primary Switch if the same account plays the same game on the primary console.
This three-part instance from Nintendo shows what happens on the cyberspace-dependent non-chief Switch if the aforementioned account plays the same game on the principal console.

How do I transfer my Animal Crossing: New Horizons salve information between two Switches?

Subsequently viii long months, it finally became possible to transfer Animal Crossing: New Horizons island salve data and fifty-fifty residents between Switches. Nintendo had previously implemented a system allowing for one-fourth dimension save data recovery (for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers) in case of hardware failure, loss or theft, but it is impossible to transfer your save information between Switches in a coincidental fashion.

Previous to the Wintertime 2020 update, information technology was impossible to transfer your isle to a new Switch, even if you bought a make new console and performed a consummate system transfer — information technology was rubbish!

Fortunately, you tin can now download an Animal Crossing Island Transfer Tool from the Switch eShop and transplant your island to a different console. Check out our guide for more details.

Convoluted? Yep, it's non as straightforward equally ane might hope, although the improver of automatic save data downloads in update 11.0.0 certainly makes things less painless. Allow us know beneath how yous've got on playing betwixt 2 Switches, especially if yous've experienced whatsoever bug.